Пластиковые емкости Москва | Изделия из пластика на заказ Москваhttps://polimeros.ru/2024-11-21T07:20:07+00:00Joomla! - Open Source Content Management New Features in Joomla! 2.52011-01-09T16:41:13+00:002011-01-09T16:41:13+00:00https://polimeros.ru/19-sample-data-articles/joomla/35-joomla-2-5Joomla!yroslavnovik@ukr.net<div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s3.jpg" alt="New Features in Joomla 2.5" align="left" title="New Features in Joomla 2.5" class="caption" />
<p><strong>Extra Features! Easy Updates!</strong></p>
<p>With the release of Joomla! 2.5, the user community has placed a large emphasis on making the CMS installation and updates management process as simple and straightforward as possible.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s3.jpg" alt="New Features in Joomla 2.5" align="left" title="New Features in Joomla 2.5" class="caption" />
<p><strong>Extra Features! Easy Updates!</strong></p>
<p>With the release of Joomla! 2.5, the user community has placed a large emphasis on making the CMS installation and updates management process as simple and straightforward as possible.</p>
</div>Bootstrap from Twitter2011-01-01T00:00:01+00:002011-01-01T00:00:01+00:00https://polimeros.ru/19-sample-data-articles/joomla/8-bootstrap-from-twitterJoomla!yroslavnovik@ukr.net<div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s1.jpg" alt="Bootstrap from Twitter" align="left" title="Bootstrap from Twitter" class="caption" />
<p>We are happy to announce Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. It uses some of the latest browser techniques to provide you with stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation andeverything else you need </div><div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s1.jpg" alt="Bootstrap from Twitter" align="left" title="Bootstrap from Twitter" class="caption" />
<p>We are happy to announce Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. It uses some of the latest browser techniques to provide you with stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation andeverything else you need </div>Bootstrap 2.1.0 released2011-01-01T00:00:01+00:002011-01-01T00:00:01+00:00https://polimeros.ru/19-sample-data-articles/joomla/21-bootstrap-2-1-0-releasedJoomla!yroslavnovik@ukr.net<div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s5.jpg" alt="Bootstrap 2.1.0" align="left" title="Bootstrap 2.1.0" />
<p>After a smaller 2.0.4 release, we've got another huge update that resolves tons of bugs, improves the flexibility and durability of our code, and introduces a few awesome new features. It's a big release wrapped in a brand new set of docs and we couldn't be more stoked to launch it.</p>
<p>New docs, affix plugin, submenus on dropdowns, block buttons, image styles, fluid grid offsets, new navbar, increased font-size and line-height, 120+ closed bugs, and more.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s5.jpg" alt="Bootstrap 2.1.0" align="left" title="Bootstrap 2.1.0" />
<p>After a smaller 2.0.4 release, we've got another huge update that resolves tons of bugs, improves the flexibility and durability of our code, and introduces a few awesome new features. It's a big release wrapped in a brand new set of docs and we couldn't be more stoked to launch it.</p>
<p>New docs, affix plugin, submenus on dropdowns, block buttons, image styles, fluid grid offsets, new navbar, increased font-size and line-height, 120+ closed bugs, and more.</p>
</div>LESS (Stylesheet Language) 2011-01-01T00:00:01+00:002011-01-01T00:00:01+00:00https://polimeros.ru/19-sample-data-articles/joomla/24-lessJoomla!yroslavnovik@ukr.net<div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s2.jpg" alt="LESS" align="left" title="LESS" class="caption" />
<p>LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language designed by Alexis Sellier. It is influenced by <strong>Sass</strong> and has influenced the newer "SCSS" syntax of Sass, which adapted its CSS-like block formatting syntax.</p><p>LESS is <strong>open-source</strong>. Its first version was written in <strong>Ruby</strong>, </div><div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s2.jpg" alt="LESS" align="left" title="LESS" class="caption" />
<p>LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language designed by Alexis Sellier. It is influenced by <strong>Sass</strong> and has influenced the newer "SCSS" syntax of Sass, which adapted its CSS-like block formatting syntax.</p><p>LESS is <strong>open-source</strong>. Its first version was written in <strong>Ruby</strong>, </div>Joomla User eXperience2011-01-01T00:00:01+00:002011-01-01T00:00:01+00:00https://polimeros.ru/19-sample-data-articles/joomla/50-joomla-user-experienceSuper Useryroslavnovik@ukr.net<div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s4.jpg" alt="Joomla Usser eXperience" align="left" title="Joomla Usser eXperience" class="caption" />
<p><strong>What is the Joomla User Experience?</strong></p>
<p>The mission of the Joomla User Experience Team (JUX Team is to create a great overall user experience for Joomla site administrators, thereby giving site users the same. </div><div class="feed-description"><img src="https://polimeros.ru/images/joomlart/demo/demo-s4.jpg" alt="Joomla Usser eXperience" align="left" title="Joomla Usser eXperience" class="caption" />
<p><strong>What is the Joomla User Experience?</strong></p>
<p>The mission of the Joomla User Experience Team (JUX Team is to create a great overall user experience for Joomla site administrators, thereby giving site users the same. </div>